
Showing posts from April, 2015

Oracle Database 11g New Feature - Backup-Based Duplication Without a Target Connection or Recovery Catalog Connection

Oracle 11g New Feature - Duplicating a Oracle Database Using 11g RMAN Backup Location Option but Without Connection to Target or  Recovery Catalog We have Target Database name as ORCL And we are creating a duplicate database using RMAN Auxiliary Instance with name as AUXDB by using the backup location but without making connection to target database and recovery catalog database while the duplication process is running. Note :- This practical need same directory structures and it is performed on same server. Just the database name is different so we are converting the path with respect to dbname only.  Image Source - Your Target Database can be in any log mode. Take RMAN Backup based on your Database Log Mode. A) Archivelog Mode - Take a Whole Hot Backup C:\set ORACLE_SID=orcl C:\rman target / RMAN> backup database plus archivelog; B) Noarchivelog Mode - Take a Whole Cold Backup C:\set ORACLE_SID=orcl C:\rman targe...

Oracle 11g New Feature - Duplicating a Database Using 11g RMAN From Active Database Option without ANY BACKUP

Oracle 11g New Feature - Duplicating a Database Using 11g RMAN From Active Database Option without ANY BACKUP We have Target Database name as ORCL And we are creating a Auxiliary database with name as AUXDB    Image Source - Check log_mode of Target Database. Target must be in archivelog mode. Otherwise put the database in archivelog mode. shutdown immediate startup mount alter database archivelog; alter database open; Create Pfile from Target Database Spfile C:\set ORACLE_SID=orcl C:\sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> create pfile='C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\database\initauxdb.ora' from spfile; Open pfile with notepad and replace (Ctrl + H) all orcl to auxdb except for parameter local_listener. SQL> host notepad C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\database\initauxdb.ora On Windows Platform You need to Create a new Instance for auxdb which also creates a password file for the same. SQL> hos...

Perform Incomplete Recovery Until Sequence # and Thread # Using Rman in 10g and 11g

Image First Database in Archivelog Mode. Take Rman Backup. Rman > Backup Database; Switch Log files. Delete Some Archive logs. I am doing complete recovery that time i have got an error. Show error message. RMAN-06025: no backup of log thread 1 seq 16 lowscn 834655 found to restore RMAN-06025: no backup of log thread 1 seq 15 lowscn 834304 found to restore Some Archivelog is missing that time incomplete recovery is done. Go to Rman Window and run the following command. run { Shutdown Immediate Startup Mount Set Until Sequence 15 Thread 1; Restore Database; Recover Database; Alter Database Open Resetlogs; } Database only Restore sequence number 15 and after 15 and 16 sequence no all Archivelogs are available but these Archivelogs are not recoverable these all data are lost.  Incomplete recovery is very Dangerous.

Perform Time Base Incomplete recovery Using Rman in Oracle 10g & 11g

Image Incomplete Recovery Using Rman (Time Base ) 1)     First database in archivelog mode. 2)     Tack a Rman Backup (Rman> backup Database; ) command 3)     Take a current Timestamp first time 4)     select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from dual; 5)     Create parag to parag9 tables and switch log file after 3 tables. 6)     Take a current scn no Second time 7)     select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from dual; 8)     Drop table parag5. 9)     Create parag10 to parag13 tables and switch log file after 3 tables. 10)   After some time I want to these drop parag5 table back this is the important table; 11)   These table backup and archivelog is not available that time incomplete recovery is doing. 12)   Go to rman window rman> 13)   Run these command 14)   RMAN> 15)   run { ...

Perform Scn Base Incomplete recovery Using Rman in Oracle 10g & 11g

Image Incomplete Recovery Using Rman ( Scn No ) 1.       First database in Archivelog mode. 2.       Tack a Rman Backup (Rman> backup Database; ) command 3.       Take a current scn no first time 4.       select timestamp_TO_SCN(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) from dual; 5.       Create parag to parag9 tables and switch log file after 3 tables. 6.       Take a current scn no Second time 7.       select timestamp_TO_SCN(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) from dual; 8.       Drop table parag5. 9.       Create parag10 to parag13 tables and switch log file after 3 tables. 10.   After some time I want to these drop parag5 table back this is the important table; 11.   These table backup and archivelog is not available that time incomplete reco...

Step By Step Creating Oracle Duplicate Database 10g on Same Server Using RMAN Auxiliary Instance and RMAN Backup

Duplicating Target Database Using RMAN Auxiliary Instance on Oracle 10g                                                   or Creating Duplicate Database on the Same Server Using RMAN Backup. We have Target Database name as ORCL And we are creating a Auxiliary database with name as AUXDB  Fig :- Backup-Based Duplication with a Target Connection Image Source - 1.Take Whole Hot/Cold Backup of Target Database RMAN> backup database plus archivelog; 2.Create Pfile from Target Database Spfile SQL> create pfile='C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\Database\initauxdb.ora' from spfile; 3.Open pfile with notepad and replace (Ctrl + H) all orcl to auxdb SQL> host notepad C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\...

Oracle Database 10g Installation on Oracle Enterprise Linux 4


RMAN Encryption Backup - Transparent Mode

Migration Non - Asm To Asm

First Add 4 Hard Disk in VMware. Start Machine. Then Go to Disk Management. Right Click on Unallocated Disk list. Then Click on initialize disk. Right Click on unallocated disk 1. Then Click on New Partition Then Next. Select option External Partition Button then  Next --> Next -->   Finish (Note:Repeat Step 5 for all Unallocated HDD). Unallocated HDD is a free space and color is Green. Right click on 1st HDD   Then  Click on new logical drive  Then Next -> Next --> Next  Click on do not Assign drive letter or Drive path option button  Then Next Click on do not Format this partition option button  Then Next ---> Finish. (Note: Repeat Step 5 for all Healthy HDD) Then free space HDD is healthy and color is Blue. Close Computer Management Window And Go to Command prompt. C:\>Documents And Settings\Administrator> Asmtoolg Asmtoolg Operation Window open. Click on Add or change label option. And  then Next Th...

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Instance Creation

First Add 4 Hard Disk in VMware. Start Machine. Then Go to Disk Management. Right Click on Unallocated Disk list. Then Click on initialize disk. Right Click on unallocated disk 1. Then Click on New Partition Then Next. Select option External Partition Button then  Next --> Next -->   Finish (Note:Repeat Step 5 for all Unallocated HDD). Unallocated HDD is a free space and color is Green. Right click on 1st HDD   Then  Click on new logical drive  Then Next -> Next --> Next  Click on do not Assign drive letter or Drive path option button  Then Next Click on do not Format this partition option button  Then Next ---> Finish. (Note: Repeat Step 5 for all Healthy HDD) Then free space HDD is healthy and color is Blue. Close Computer Management Window And Go to Command prompt. C:\>Documents And Settings\Administrator> Asmtoolg Asmtoolg Operation Window open. Click on Add or change label option. And  then Next The...