
Showing posts from June, 2014

Encoding ,Encryption Hashing and Authentication

Hi Everyone, I am glad to finally found blogging domain for me. Life is all about achieving your goal and dedications about your passion. Believe me the world is ready to give up its secrets, you have to just knock the right door. We at unisoft doesn’t simply provides courses, Instead w e make the professionals. In this article i will be explaining you the concepts and differences about the network basics. How often you have come across the words like encoding, encryption, hashing  and authentication almost every  day of your regular profile. So let's explore this term and try to grasp the concepts behind this. 1)Encoding 2)Encryption 3)Hashing 4)Authentication 1)Encoding For instance what happens when you communicate with your friends? Your brain generate one idea then the instructions goes to your vocal cord through your brain, now vocal cord generated the information in form of sound and finally your information gets converted into frequ

Remove unwanted Plugins drivers from your computer

How to uninstall unwanted  hidden device drivers. Hello friends do your device drivers have all the drivers associated with it right from the beginning when you had purchased your computer ,each time you have used so many plug and play devices to it. When the user installs a new device windows automatically select the best driver. This property is known as plug and play (PnP) specification. When the user plugs in a hardware device the following steps are carried out. 1.        Windows detects the hardware device and identifies the device. 2.        The operating system searches for the appropriate device driver package in the driver store. 3.        If the operating system finds a suitable device driver,then plug and play service of windows copies that driver file from driver store to its operational location. 4.        The plug and play service configures the registry for that driver and start the newly installed driver. But the problem here is that everytim

Oracle Datafiles Are Not Exactly Unlimited In Size - OCA Admin 1 Topic

Datafiles are not exactly unlimited in size Data files are not exactly unlimited in size, so the term "Unlimited" refers to the ceiling your datafile is able to reach, and it depends on the Oracle Block Size. To find the absolute maximum file size multiply block size by 4194303. This is the actual maximum size. You may want to read the Metalink Note:112011.1. A datafile cannot be oversized, otherwise it could get corrupted. Let's say if your database is 8k blocks that means that one file can not exceed approximately 34GB (34,359,730,176 bytes) without having database corruption. Sizing datafiles is a matter of manageability, it depends on your storage, the amount of space allocated in a single managed storage unit. 128G is the maximum datafile size in 10g, but considering the maximum number of datafiles a Database can have, it can make a database to potentially size 8E (exabytes = 8,388,608 T). The maximum data file size is calculated by: Maximum

New versions are adopted with the industry


Oracle Database SQL - Practise - Question - Scott Schema Examples

Oracle SQL Practice Questions for Students All Question are Based on Scott Schema Exhibits EMP TABLE Exhibits DEPT TABLE Exhibits SALGRADE TABLE Question 1) Display all the records in emp table? 2) Display all the records in emp table where employee belongs to deptno 10? 3) Display all the records in emp table where employee does not belong to deptno 30? 4) Display total number of records in Emp table? 5) Display emp table with salary descending order? 6) Display first five records in employee table? 7) Display all the records in emp table order by ascending deptno, descending salary? 8) Display all employees those who were joined in year 1981? 9) Display COMM in emp table. Display zero in place of null. 10) Display the records in emp table where MGR in 7698,7566 and sal should be greater then 1500 11) Display all employees where employees hired before 01-JAN-1981 12) Display all employees with